Business support...

Guaranteed response times on site and full remote and telephone support. These contracts are tailored to your needs.

I will meet with you for a free, no obligation, assessment and agree a monthly, quarterly or annual charge to cover the level of support that suits your business.

I take a Pro Active attitude to my business contract customers seeing it as my place to ensure that your IT is running as efficiently as possible.

I don't just come when something breaks I try to stop it breaking in the first place.

I also look at your processes and will make recommendation on how to improve the efficiency of your IT infrastructure or working methods.

You don't have to book a support ticket… you get my personal mobile number and an immediate plan to sort the problem. Indeed  more often than not a problem is sorted there and then.

If you would like to arrange a meeting to discuss your needs please fill in your contact details  or give me a ring and I will get right back to you